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Feature: Cambridge wins The 2015 Boat Race


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23rd March 2015

With the emergence of spring we can once again look ahead to the British institution that is the BNY Mellon Boat Race.

Or as its more commonly known, the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

As 11th April draws near you may be more concerned with negotiating the meeting spot with friends harbouring north vs south of the river prejudices than with the technicalities of the race, but for the sake of learning, read on for the result of the all-important weigh-in.

In this case it's heavier the better as history favours the weightier crew, and Cambridge is coming out on top by an average of 5.25kg per man. It is considered that in a contest between two oarsmen of equal skill, the heavier man will have the advantage, and in this case Cambridge are heavier by 11 pounds 9 ounces.


The heaviest oarsman in this year’s race will be Cambridge team President Alexander Leichter who topped the scales at 99.0kgs, closing in on the record held since 2007 of 110kg. However, despite being the lighter team, Oxford are still the favourites, having won for the last two years.

For the very first time the BNY Mellon Boat Race will be joined by the Newtons Women's Boat Race, giving crowds on the banks of the Thames even more to cheer about; pack extra bubbles accordingly. As with the men, it was the women's Cambridge boat that topped the scales, with an average weight of 72.63kg, only slightly more than their Oxford opponents with an average of 71.72kg

So, dust of your picnic chairs, dig out last years leftover Pimms and, armored with your new-found knowledge, find a spot on the river for the women's race at 4:50pm followed by the men at 5:50pm. And if you want more details still, the official crews are listed below with their respective weights:


Position Name Weight (kg)
Bow: Japser Holst – 86.8kg

2: Luke Juckett – 85.2kg

3: Ben Ruble – 84.8kg

4: Alexander Leichter – 99.0kg

5: William Warr – 94.2kg

6: Matthew Jackson – 94.0kg

7: Joshua Hooper – 92.6kg

Stroke: Henry Hoffstot –  91.2kg

Cox: Ian Middleton – 53.6kgTotal Weight Ex. Cox 727.8kg
Average Weight Ex. Cox  90.98kg
Total Weight Inc. Cox 781.4kg
Average Weight Inc. Cox  86.82kgOXFORD
Position Name Weight (kg)
Bow: William Geffen – 82.2kg
2: Thomas Swartz – 76.6kg
3: Henry Goodier – 88.2kg
4: James O’Connor – 83.4kg

5: James Cook – 83.8kg
6: Michael DiSanto – 90.8kg
7: Sam O’Connor – 88.6kg
Stroke: Constantine Louloudis – 92.2kg
Cox: William Hakim – 54.6kgTotal Weight Ex. Cox   685.8kg
Average Weight Ex. Cox  85.73kg
Total Weight Inc. Cox  740.4kg
Average Weight Inc. Cox  82.27kg

The 2015 Newton Women’s Boat Race




Position Name Weight (kg)
Bow: Hannah Evans – 69.2kg

2: Ashton Brown – 80.8kg

3: Caroline Reid – 66.0kg

4: Claire Watkins – 71.2kg

5: Melissa Wilson – 77.8kg

6: Holly Hill – 78.8kg

7: Daphne Martschenko – 76.4kg

Stroke: Fanny Belais – 60.8kg

Cox: Rosemary Ostfeld – 49.8kg


Total Weight Ex. Cox  581.0kg
Average Weight Ex. Cox  72.63kg
Total Weight Inc. Cox  630.8kg
Average Weight Inc. Cox  70.09kg




Position Name Weight (kg)

Bow: Maxie Scheske – 66.6kg

2: Anastasia Chitty – 69.6kg

3: Shelley Pearson – 70.0kg

4: Lauren Kedar – 75.4kg

5: Nadine Graedel Iberg – 72.4kg

6: Emily Reynolds – 67.4kg

7: Maddy Badcott – 74.0kg

Stroke: Caryn Davies – 78.4kg

Cox: Jennifer Ehr – 50.4kg


Total Weight Ex. Cox  573.8kg
Average Weight Ex. Cox  71.72kg
Total Weight Inc. Cox  624.2kg
Average Weight Inc. Cox  69.36kg




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