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Inside Grey Wolfe; London’s Chicest Members-Only Wellness Clinic


Hand-crafted, luxury experiences curated by our team—speak to our concierge to learn more

By Lucy Cocoran on 15th August 2024

Combining cutting-edge technology with holistic practices, this wellness space has something for everyone.

Few things are as inevitable as the mid-year slump, but finding effective ways to combat it proves more and more challenging. Enter Grey Wolfe; the private wellness club based in the West London village of Barnes.

Nestled on a charming, leafy street, the space counts bustling cafes and upscale hair salons as neighbours. Stepping inside, the energy shift is palpable. Warm lighting and grey marble countertops are all part of the venues' sleek aesthetic, but there’s more than meets the eye here. Within its walls, the club houses cutting-edge equipment and treatments designed to revitalise and rejuvenate from the inside out and outside in.

As I look around somewhat awestruck, Grey Wolfe’s General Manager, Carlos Urrutigoity tells me that the space is my house, and I should treat it as such. As part of the members-only appeal, the entire space belongs to the whoever has booked it, guaranteeing a level of privacy other clinics can't offer.

Giddy with the realisation that the space is all mine for the next few hours, I take a breath and surrender to the experience.

The Briefing 

Before my treatment began, I was asked to complete a questionnaire to capture my current lifestyle habits, moods and symptoms. This was followed by a verbal consultation with my therapist, Jess. She asked me to elaborate on a few of my answers before mapping out a bespoke program for me. She took the time to explain why she felt each treatment would be beneficial and how they aligned with my goals.

From there, my time at Grey Wolfe truly began. 

The Infrared Sauna 

Electromagnetic radiation heats the body directly, energising cells to release, repair and increase inner light. 

As an Australian I feel right at home in warm weather, and at the time of my visit, London had been experiencing a downright dreary summer. Suffice to say, lying down in a heated chamber felt like a real treat. The infrared sauna was more high-tech than an average sauna, fitted with a touchscreen which played relaxing music and a remote for changing the light settings. I nestled under the warm glow of a reddish orange downlight and soaked it all in for a blissful 45 minutes. 

Jess encouraged me to combine the experience with some essential oils to enhance my sensory journey. I dropped some lavender essential oil onto my skin before entering the chamber, with the calming scent filling the space immediately (and staying on my skin for days afterwards). This added a new, aromatherapy element to the treatment and I definitely won’t be entering any future saunas without it! 

The Oxygen Pod 

Enhance immune function, reduce inflammation and aid in injury recovery. Increased oxygen intake revives and uplifts, reducing fatigue and helping to both look and feel renewed.  

The benefits of an oxygen pod are subtle and require repeated treatments for long term results. For those short on time who are looking for a treatment with immediate or noticeable benefits, I wouldn’t prioritise this. That being said, time spent in a quiet place without your phone can only be considered a good thing. 

At the beginning, it felt like I was taking off on an aeroplane as my ears began to block due to pressure. I also found myself yawning a lot during this time. After about five minutes, I acclimatised and my ears didn’t give me any bother for the rest of the treatment. I was also given a heated, massaging eye mask which made the experience even better and noticeably more relaxing. 

The Rebalance Impulse Bed 

A non-invasive mental wellness and neuro-relaxation machine promoting Alpha and Beta brain waves. Designed to fight stress, improve sleep, refine concentration, increase recovery and strengthen the immune system.

This was undoubtedly the most unique component of my time at Grey Wolfe. It involved lying down on a bed with a light installation above my head. I was fitted with an EEG headband to monitor my biosignals and a set of headphones for the guided meditation. Over 30 minutes, I listened to audio and visual cues designed to encourage a deep state of relaxation. The overhead lights became almost trance-like and at various points, it felt like I was flying. 

At the end of the treatment, Jess talked me through my feedback scores. The point of the exercise was to increase and nurture the presence of alpha waves to promote a state of calm, which based on my scores, I’d done quite well. I left this room with a wonderfully quietened mind, like someone had smoothed out my brain.

The Hands-On Treatment 

An attuned massage utilising the power of touch and energy to stimulate organs in the body, increase blood flow to restricted muscles and improve circulation of the lymphatic system.

I finished my Grey Wolfe experience with a bespoke ‘hands-on’ treatment. There are a variety of these available, ranging from Swedish and deep tissue to hot stone and aromatherapy.

In my initial questionnaire, I’d written the word ‘curious’ when asked to describe my mood. Realising that I’d come with an open mind, Jess tailored my hands-on treatment to include a variety of components, including sound healing, chakra rebalancing and reiki energy healing.

The hands-on aspect came at the end with a wonderful back, head and shoulder massage which was the perfect way to finish. I practically floated out of the clinic by the end.

The Verdict

Grey Wolfe is a truly unique offering, which is evident in every last detail. It’s the perfect introduction to alternative wellness for those not familiar, and bonafide enthusiasts definitely won't require any convincing to become a member. 

I was given detailed cards to take home, where Jess had written down exercises and practices I could incorporate into my daily routine to prioritise my wellbeing. I've certainly been enjoying more nature walks since my visit!

Overall, the clinic isn't under the misconception that you’ll walk out the door forever changed from one session. They understand that wellness is a journey and are there to support you through each stage, which is more valuable than ever in today's busyness epidemic. With the existence of Grey Wolfe, prioritising your peace has never felt more luxurious.

Grey Wolfe Private Members Wellness Club

Address: 71 White Hart Ln, London SW13 0PP

Phone: 020 3606 0049


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