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Pattern Language gallery / Squeak Carnwath


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13th April 2022

Jane Lombard Gallery will be hosting Pattern Language, an exhibition of new paintings by Squeak Carnwath. The artist’s third solo exhibition with the gallery, Pattern Language presents the viewer with intricate visual archives that entangle public observation and private introspection. The exhibition will be on view from April 29th to June 4th, with an opening reception April 29th from 5 - 7 PM.

Jane Lombard Gallery will be hosting Pattern Language, an exhibition of new paintings by Squeak Carnwath.  The artist’s third solo exhibition with the gallery, Pattern Language presents the viewer with intricate visual archives that entangle public observation and private introspection. The exhibition will be on view from April 29th to June 4th, with an opening reception April 29th from 5 - 7 PM.

"Pattern recognition is an essential part of the human experience. We pull from memory to make sense of the world around us. Recognizable patterns allow us to understand common rhythms between people, places, and cultures, understanding the new through the familiar by assigning identity and meaning."

As an artist, Carnwath paints her own thoughts and observations, often connected to politics and personal narratives, knowing others will create their own recognitions within her compositions.

She likens her patterns and symbols to messages scrawled on the wall of a public bathroom, a space that is intimate and yet open for everyone. Through painting of easily recognized symbols she allows the viewer to imbue her work with their own sense of familiarity.

“Thoughts are evidence of existence,” Carnwath says, “we all have them.” Anonymous messages have a tendency to touch people in unexpected ways, and this connection generates universal understanding. Art is about generosity, giving something of yourself, making the work accessible so that participants can have an experience that is theirs alone. Pattern Language trusts viewers to draw their own meaning from what they see."

The Sybarite Art Club Are happy to present Jane Lombard Gallery

Who have established a reputation for bringing artists who work within a global perspective/aesthetic relevant to the social and political climate of today to the forefront.

The gallery seeks to promote both emerging and mid career artists in a variety of media - painting, sculpture, installation and film - in the US, Europe and Asia.

Founded in 1995 in Soho as Lombard Fried Projects, the gallery later moved to Chelsea, first to
26th Street and later to 19th Street in 2010. The gallery is now located in Tribeca at 58 White

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